Thursday, September 13, 2018

5 Tips to Keep Your Motivation Soaring

Most people desire to achieve certain types of goals in life. They could be personal goals, like smiling more often. Or perhaps professional goals, like making a certain amount of money within a certain time frame. Of course, there’s plenty of goals you can create relationally, financially, spiritually, and so on – it’s human nature to want things to be better.
But it’s not always easy to stay motivated when a goal is set. I mean, how many New Year’s Resolutions are forgotten about within a month? Yes, achieving goals takes discipline, commitment, perseverance, an action plan, and plenty of motivation.
So how do you keep that mojo going day-to-day, week-to-week? Are there things you can do to keep your motivation levels soaring?
Absolutely! Here are 5 tips to help you stay motivated no matter what your goals are:
  1. Write down your goals
Write your goals down on paper or type them up as a document and print them out. Why? Seeing your goals written down helps you stay motivated and can help you achieve those goals.
In fact, a 1979 Harvard Business School study asked MBA graduates about their goals. There was only 3 percent of those graduates that wrote down their goals, and it turned out that those 3 percent earned 10 times more than the other 97 percent combined.
Do you see the power of writing down your goals? Chances are those graduates who wrote down their goals followed suit with a strategic action plan. They had momentum going and were laser-focused on their path to success. I imagine they looked at their goals often, feeling motivation rise within them each time.
  1. Visualize the end result
Regardless of what your goals are, visualize the end result of you achieving them. See yourself cutting the tape at the opening of your new business. Or sitting in an office with a pen in your hand signing closing papers for your next investment property. Feel the feelings too. How will you feel? Excited? Proud? Happy? Ecstatic? Visualize it and feel the feelings that go along with achieving it.
  1. Think incrementally
If you set a goal and your time frame for achieving it is unrealistic, you may end up frustrated. Think of achieving your goals like walking up the stairs to get to another floor. You take those steps one by one, in increments. In the same way, strategize your action plan step by step, celebrating milestones as you accomplish them.
  1. Attend seminars and workshops
A wonderful way to keep your motivation level high is to attend seminars and workshops. This could be for your business, relationship, spirituality, and so on. You can get energized when you’re around like-minded people in an atmosphere where excitement and dreams are soaring.
  1. Know your "whys"
To stay motivated, it’ll help you to know your whys. Why do you want to achieve that goal? What do you think it will give you? Peace? Joy? Security? Favor? A feeling of worth? Accomplishment?
While you’re writing down your goals, write down your whys as well. When you truly know your reasons for wanting something, it’ll be easier to work through any obstacles that arise while you’re journeying toward accomplishing the goals.
Motivation is energy; a feeling. To keep it high, know that there are things you can do to nurture and sustain it. And, the more familiar you become with setting goals, writing them down, visualizing them, etc., the easier it will be to bring up that motivation along your journey.

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