Wednesday, October 6, 2010

From The Heart...

I was just thinking…

Most Christians say "It's in God's hands" or "God is in control".

The truth is, He gave us the control. The Bible is a book of “Choices”.

But if we want him to handle things for us, we must "Give him the control" and take our hands off. We must “choose” Him to be Lord of our lives. He doesn't need our help, but he does require our participation.

God operates in Faith, not fear. Faith and fear cannot exist at the same time. But Faith without works is dead.

Of the Ten Commandments, 4 are instructions on how we should honor Him, and the other 6 tells us how we should honor others.

Is there any Unforgiveness in your heart? How do you expect him to forgive you?

He honors his covenant with you, but if you are in covenant with Him.

Are you in honor or dishonor?
Are you in covenant? Do you tithe or do you rob God?
Are you "covered" in the Blood?

Favor is not fair. Grace is given “instead” of what we deserve.

As my Pastor, Dan Willis, would say, “I’m just sayin’”.

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