Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Have you Heard?

Listen to this recording as soon as possible!

Here is the recording from Tuesday's Corporate Update Call... the vision of MPB Today.

Listen to this recording as soon as possible and then... listen to it again! Let it sink in. If you aren't bursting at the seams then listen to it again and run the numbers yourself. We could easily become one of the Top 3 major players in the traditional grocery delivery market. I believe our distribution channel will be the envy of the industry with a sales force that will generate millions of customers in just a few short years. Your piece of this HUGE pie is just waiting for you to create what you deserve.... to give you everything that you have always wanted and more.

I want you to understand that what you have seen so far is just a minor fraction of what is about to happen in the next 12-36 months.

Playback: (218) 339-2652, Access code: 225201#

Listen to the numbers carefully. Catch the vision of our company. Skip back as many times as necessary. (Ship back by pressing the number 1, Pause by pressing number 2, Volume Up by #4, Volume Down by #6.

Phase 1 commissions are about eliminating your grocery bill.

Phase 2 commissions are about eliminating your other bills, getting caught up, and paying off your credit cards.

Phase 3 commissions will dwarf Phase 1 and Phase 2 commissions. Phase 3 commissions is about creating a lifestyle change, having total financial freedom, paying off your house and your cars, and being totally debt free.

Many people may not see the vision here for whatever reason. Grab a hold of this vision and don't let anyone or anything deter you. Don't get sidetracked or sideswiped. Don't let anyone steal your dreams. Let those that have negative opinions have them. If someone says no, move on fast because there is a yes just around the corner. Remember, you can't say the wrong thing to the right person and you can't say the right thing to the wrong person.

Thanks in advance, for being a part of the team...


Playback Dial-in Number: 218-339-2652

Playback Access Code: 225201

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